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 Messages: Wish List
Add your suggestions to the Wish List by sending me an email with your thoughts. I can not promise your suggestions will be implemented but they will receive review and analysis for possible inclusion in future program or plug-in development. Please be specific and identify the need and purpose for your suggested features.

The following list consists of possible additions/changes or enhancements for future program upgrades If they have been included, the appropriate revision is shown.

Do you have an idea that would be great for STAMPCATalog Plus? Is there a feature that you think should be added? If you can write software programs, see the "Call for Developers" message. Otherwise, send me your suggestions.

Possible additions to STAMPCATalog Plus future upgrades:
(Version indicated when included.)
  • User selectable font sizes for reports. Included in Version 3.1
  • User selectable guide lines for reports. Included in Version 3.0
  • Extend subvariety entry to 2-3 characters.  Included in Version 3.1
  • User definable stamp grades.  Included in Version 3.1
  • Provide European printer parameters. Included in Version 3.2
  • Batch change collection country names.  Included in Version 3.1
  • Expand Quick Editor to offer more entries.  Included in Version 3.2, Plug-Ins AQEdit and SQEdit.
  • Extend horizontal and vertical perforation gauges to two decimal places.  Included in Version 3.2
  • Use 4 characters for purchase year.  Included in Version 3.3
  • Offer enlargement of zoomed pictures.  Included in Version 3.3
  • Larger number of possible trade copies of single stamps.  Included in Version 3.3
  • Use more keyboard keys (hot-keys) for editing and browsing functions.  Included in Version 4.2
  • Add ability to easily enter multiple subvarieties for stamps with the same catalog number.  Included in Version 4.3
  • Provide a Total Worth for all collections in browse view and standard reports.  Included in Version 4.3




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