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- "I've been testing a number of different programs and this is the most feature rich and simplest to use that I've found. It's Great!"
- "I loved working with your program from the first day. Since I have tested several other programs, I want to say this is the most user-friendly, and most customizable program, regardless of cost."
- "After many years of deferring a serious cataloging of my stamp collection, I finally found the tool I've been looking for in your software."
- "Your's is the third one (stamp inventory program) I have tried so far, and from what I see so far it runs circles around the others."
- "Can't say enough about STAMPCATalog Plus. It's the best I've ever used and I have been playing with stamp databases for some time."
- "I like your program and your concept of donationware. One helps the stamp collector and the other helps humanity."
- "Product support is as good as any I have ever encountered."
- "Thanks for the opportunity to use your program ... IMHO it is the best that I have seen. I have tried three others including ... and several shareware- YOURS WINS HANDS DOWN!"
- "The feature I like best ...(about your program, is it's) Quick and easy."
- "It certainly looks excellent."
- "Easy to add new items to collection and ... to add scanned image of stamps!"
- "I updated my operating system from windows 3.11 to the windows 95 and everything is working fine."
- "Your program looks excellent, notably better than the two others I've tried. Congratulations!"
- "It is the best program I have looked at."
- "It REALLY is a nifty program."
- "I finally got around to trying your program. It is the best that I have seen to date."
- "Another good program is ... but Stampcatalog Plus is much better."
- "Still enjoying your excellent program ..."
- "It seems to be a very well thought out program with plenty of features. I have looked at about 6 different stamp catalog programs so far and yours seems to be the best so far."
- "... this seems to be a very well thought out program and I am planning on using it to catalogue my collection."
- "I think the Detailed Collection Catalog report is awesome. It is extremely helpful to be able to see an image (of) your actual stamp next to all the catalog information."
- "I have tried everything (all functions) in your program. I have to say I am very impressed with it."
- "And the moment I came upon your Web-page it was obvious that your software is probably going to be the best philatelic software I could find on the whole Internet for at least 1 year, as it could be simply said as the complete computing-environment for stamp-collecting. "
- "I started to familiarize myself with your program and like what I have seen so far."
- "Your program is the best-looking one I've seen, and I really want it."
- "I really like the way the program works."
- "I like all the info that can be entered, and I expect to enjoy myself once I learn my way around."
- "Like you, I am just another fanatic stamp collector, and I have to say, your software does look very impressive indeed, which is also the reason why I downloaded a copy of your Beta Test Version the moment I chanced upon your web site, as it's pretty hard to find a free, and also decent philatelic software now-a-day."
- "Keep me posted on updates, and thanks for all of your efforts!"
- "I've only used this program a short time, but seems to be a great one."
- "The program looks and operates great ..."
- "To date I have approximately 70 stamps, with pictures defined, and love the program."
- "I did build a lot of my inventory with the batch builder, which I just love ..."
- "Your program should appeal to all collectors. It is best of all the computer inventorying systems I have seen, used, or heard about. I wish you much success."
- "It's a great program. I've used it for years and it's still the best."
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