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Available stamp databases like WPID, ATA and some commercial programs are fine as far as they go but most are incomplete.  Another problem is these databases lack commonality.  Consequently, many people are doing a lot of data entry for their own collections and a lot of stamp scanning.  With STAMPCATalog Plus as a common base, users can now cooperate and make it easier for themselves.  What remains is to locate follow collectors with similar interests.  This Exchange intends to fill that void.  If you want to contact other collectors doing similar databases, avoid "re-inventing the wheel" and make new friends, contact me with your name, e-mail address and collecting interest.  I will post your e-mail address and interest here.  You contact those on the list with your interest and make your own arrangements.  So others may benefit, please provide me with resulting databases to post here (without commercial catalog numbers).  Full credits will be given.

User's e-mail address and Collecting Interest
raygk@stampcat.com  Space and Astronomy topics.

Alain.Gauthier@sasked.gov.sk.ca  Canadian stamps, Back-of-the-book, First Flight Covers and Christmas Seals.

rjayross@ptd.net  US, UN, Christmas seals, Spain and colonies, Spanish Andorra. My 13 year old daughter is interested in US used and world wide Endangered Species.

neilcamp@nanaimo.ark.com  I'm especially interested in an Australian database since I have built up quite a few stamps and I'm just about to start entering them from scratch. My family and I also collect several topicals - my primary one is maps on stamps and the rest of the family collects Christmas, Lunar New Year, reptiles, dogs, cats, horses, gems and big cats to name a few.



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