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 Messages: Database Conversions
Before you email me requesting conversion of your database, please try the Import Wizard Plug-In. If the wizard can not handle your commercial or "home brew" stamp listing, I will attempt to do it for you.

To receive help on conversion, please send me the following information about yourself and your database via e-mail or comments (click on "Database Conversions" above).

  • State the type of database you have - word processor listing, spreadsheet or other inventory program.
  • Identify the number of records, files and any other information you have relating to the listing.

If you send an e-mail or telephone, I will be able to tell you if I think I can do the conversion or need any additional information. Then send your database to me. Be sure to send all necessary files required for the database. In some cases, particularly if you created your own file, I will need definitions of the columns/fields.

Use one of the following methods to send your data:

  • Attached or include it in an e-mail message if in text format. Binary or special formatted data should be uuencoded or compressed with WINZIP, PKZIP or other compression application if attached to an e-mail.
  • Send your data by YouSendIt, SendThisFile or similar free service. Please compress your file(s) first.
  • Send by regular mail.  It should be on 3.5 inch floppy disk(s) or CD (data readable) in a reusable mailer with enclosed self-addressed stamped return label.  In this case, I will return the converted database by USPS. Please enclose sufficient postage for converted database return.

I will return converted database information to you in a like manner. Contact me by e-mail if you have any questions.

I can not promise to convert all possible formats but I will give it my best shot. Current databases in dBase (or any Xbase), word processors or spreadsheets and some commercial stamp programs should be relatively easy to convert.




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