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 FAQ: Program Related
Question #13: How do I move STAMPCATalog Plus to my new computer?
Q: I just bought a new computer. What is the best way to transfer STAMPCATalog Plus to it?
A: The preferred way to move the program from one computer to another is as follows: (1) Backup all files (use "Ok All" from the backup option). (2) Re-install the complete program from downloaded disks #1, #2 , #3 and #4 (or the single file) onto your new machine. (3) Use the Restore program to restore all of your backups. If you want to use a new location for your data files from the one used on your old machine, do step (4) otherwise go to step (5). (4) After restoring all files to your new machine and before starting STAMPCATalog Plus, run the "Datapath" plug-in from Windows (located on the new machine in the program folder). When starting the plug-in, you will note that the default data location shows your old machine's data location (now changed). Click the "Select file directory" button and locate your new data folder (already created). Click "Select". In the plug-in's window, mark the "Transfer files" check box. Click "Ok". (5) STAMPCATalog Plus and your data is now transferred to your computer and ready to run. Note: If you intend to upgrade the program and transfer it, read this. Upgrading STAMPCATalog Plus requires that you download the upgrade install file. Changes between program versions may contain data format and other modifications that require special updates. You must either upgrade the program before you transfer it to a new computer or do one additional step to the above instructions. After completing the first four steps, you must also install the version Upgrade on your new machine. Now you should be able to run the program without problems.


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