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 FAQ: Program Related
Question #7: I get a "can't find file" type error message during program installation.
Q: During program setup/installation from my hard disk I get an error message stating that one of the files can't be found. How can I complete setup?
A: When doing a setup from your hard disk using the four downloaded files, you must decompress the four separate files to four separate directories named "disk1", "disk2" , "disk3" and "disk4" respectively. Then run the "setup.exe" file and the program will install. If using the single file download, place the decompressed files in a folder labeled the same as the downloaded file (for example, "ver40").

Question #8: User report sorted by country with out-of-order catalog numbers.
Q: I constructed a user report sorted on countries and included primary catalog numbers. When I view this report the catalog numbers are not in alphanumeric ascending order. How can I get the catalog numbers to print in correct sequence?
A: User reports sorted by country and including catalog numbers will sort catalog numbers in the order dictated by your configuration at the time of report generation. To correct your problem, mark the check box "Primary Catalog Numbers" in the configuration window. Then edit your user report, reselect country sort and save it. Now the primary catalog numbers in the report will appear in alphanumeric order.

Question #9: It appears that there are more than one copy of some stamps.
Q: I am not able to cycle through my stamps in the correct order by using the arrow buttons in the Build Window. It appears there are more than one copy of some stamps. What should I do?
A: Your collection file indexes are corrupted. Reindex the collection using the Files|Reindex menu option and they will appear in proper order without apparent multiple copies.

Question #10: OLE error when attempting to enter a picture in Build.
Q: I want to enter a stamp picture into the Build window. I clicked on the "<" button and selected a bitmap image from a folder. Sometimes I get "Cannot activate OLE server" error message and the stamp picture is not entered. What should I do?
A: Only windows compatible bmp images may be entered into STAMPCATalog Plus and the bitmaps must be associated with Paintbrush (or MS Paint). To be sure you have a compatible picture and the correct association, use Paintbrush (or MS Paint) to view the picture by clicking on the picture file in Explorer. Additionally, some problems with proper images have been experienced due to an incompatibility problem. This may happen with CleanUp (watermark images), MoveBMPs and SQEdit also. STAMPCATalog Plus Version 4.4 and associated Plug-Ins should correct this problem.

Question #11: Can't start the program using a high speed computer.
Q: I just bought a new computer. When I try to start STAMPCATalog Plus in my new computer I now get an error message of "Insufficient Memory" or "Divide By Zero or Overflow Error" or the program simply won't start. This didn't happen with my old computer. What should I do?
A: If your new computer has a clock speed of about 200 MHz or greater you probably were bitten by the "too fast for the program library" bug. You should not have this problem when using Version 3.0 or higher (the complete version download). If you are using an earlier program version or upgraded (not a complete version installation) to Version 3.0 or higher, download foxw2600.zip program library patched file. Unzip the file and overwrite your old foxw2600.esl file.

Question #12: Is STAMPCATalog Plus year 2000 compliant?
Q: Will my collection files and reports reflect the correct date after January 1, 2000?
A: Short answer is yes if your computer is compliant. You must be aware of the correct procedure for entering dates during builds and edits however. Enter all dates for the 21st century with four characters (e.g., "2000") - 20th century dates may be entered either with two or four characters (e.g., "98" or "1998").


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