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 Revision History
Version 4.4b Changes:
  • Modified design to ensure stamp pictures may be imported via the Build window and watermark pictures via the "Watermark Pics" main menu option.
  • Upgraded the CleanUp, MoveBMPs and SQEdit Plug-Ins to prevent picture incompatibility as with the Build and Watermark Pics windows.
  • Removed main menu option for "Picture Edit". Transfer from and to STAMPCATalog Plus is now performed by the original "Edit" menu option.
  • Redesigned the Plug-Ins main menu option to ensure only legitimate STAMPCATalog Plus Plug-Ins will list for cleaner selection.
  • Upgraded Restore to work with the upgraded main menu Plug-Ins option.
  • Now the Watermark Pics window allows multiple image changes without requiring reopening.
  • Fixed a problem that could prevent using "Change Volume" main menu options without being configured for warning windows.
  • Improved some warnings and information windows.
  • Updated and rebuilt help files.
  • Made several cosmetic changes to improve look.

Version 4.3 Changes:
  • Production release contains all changes of the Version 4.3b and Version 4.3.1b.
  • Added capability to edit, make user reports and directly search in Stamp Locator for stamps with a blank class value in either primary or secondary catalogs.
  • Improved some error handling routines and fixed several minor bugs when switching user properties from collection specific to global and removing the property.
  • Included various Plug-In files to STAMPCATalog Plus re-index function.

Version 4.3.1b Changes:
  • Complete re-write of user created properties code for improvements and bug fixes.
  • Added number of in-inventory stamps in each collection to Total Worth browse view and standard reports.

Version 4.3b Changes:
  • Added capability in Batch Build to enter multiple subvarieties for stamps with the same catalog number.
  • Added Total Worth browse view and standard reports. Total worth provides a summary of current worth for all collections in your database.
  • Two user created stamp properties may now be global (used for all collections) or collection specific (different property for each collection).
  • Improved Report Maker code. All column headings are listed alphabetically.
  • The program now will detect any invalid stamp or watermark picture, notify you and automatically remove it so you may easily re-enter a new one.
  • Slide show selection now includes user created stamp properties .
  • Fixes several minor bugs.

Version 4.2 Changes
  • Production release contains all changes of the Version 4.2b.  A minor
    bug is fixed that effected the slide shows when run from a non-full screen program window.
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