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 Revision History
Version Changes:
  • Fixed the bug in Ver. 3.3.6b as noted on the Message Board page.

Version 3.3.6b Changes:
  • Added the ability to save and playback sets of stamp locator criteria. Locator search results may now be printed to a standard report or any existing user report. Added a “Stock” type parameter to locator results.
  • Added a new class of standard and user reports containing country of origin located in a separate band preceding stamp information for that country. Use of “country band” or regular reports is selectable from report setup. A new option for printing repeated first column report information or for skipping repeated values may be chosen from report setup.
  • Fixed a problem for some Windows XT/2000/XP users that caused the program to not start from the program desktop icon.
  • Added an option to block Browse and Locator View header location and size changes so any temporary changes will not effect future viewing.
  • Pressing the <Esc> key closes (cancels) most windows with an upper-left icon (title bar), browse windows and report previews.
  • Made minor changes, improvements and fixed some bugs. Moved Tips menu option and eliminated bug that sometimes caused menu help option selection.
  • Updated most Plug-Ins (new version numbers appear in Plug-In title bars). AQEdit Plug-In now has hot-keys <Ctrl>N and <Ctrl>G to automatically add one or selected group of new blank stamp entries.

Version 3.3.5b Changes:
  • Important bug in Batch Build fixed.  Previous beta release module could cause lose of perforation gauge, trade copy, PNC coil length and PNC number position data.
  • A minor bug in Backup fixed.  This bug could cause error when trying to backup configuration data if used immediately after setup of a collection or some other properties if no property values were entered.  No data is lost if this error occurs but your backup will be incomplete.
  • Help file modified to better describe Batch Build operations.

Version 3.3.4b Changes:
  • Initial program startup sequence changed to avoid instabilities and icon loading difficulties in some computers using Windows 2000 operating system.
  • Several minor bugs fixed and minor changes made in several alerting messages and other areas.

Version 3.3.3b Changes:
  • Corrected bug that caused problems when trying to use a category of My Stamp Catalog reports.
  • Corrected a bug that caused the program background color to appear behind stamp pictures when using a PDF output.
  • Corrected a problem when trying to merge to an non-upgraded existing collection.
  • Added PNC category to Slide Show.
  • Improved automatic upgrading process and ability to have program delete update.exe module when no longer needed.
  • Other minor improvements.
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