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 Revision History
Version 4.2b Changes:
  • Hot-keys added to Copy, Paste, Cut, Select All, Undo and Redo text from browse and edit windows; jump to start or end and jump up one page or down one page of a collection view or edit browse; find and find again when in view or edit browse; use the calculator and the calendar . **NOTE** Hot-key <Ctrl>F used to "Freeze" the browse window layout. It now calls the Find dialog box while <Ctrl>E freezes browse window layouts.
  • Added keyboard insert/overwrite key information to the status bar and hot-key for update.
  • Fixed bugs relating to program starts with missing files, text and HTML formatted reports with issue dates or perf gauges and the locator window. Fixed a bug that caused Build, Batch Build and Locator to close with close of the calculator or calendar/diary.
  • Fixed some other minor bugs and improved code.

Version 4.1 Changes:
  • Production release contains all modifications and fixes in Version 4.1b.
  • Some minor appearance and code changes.

Version 4.1b Changes:
  • To accommodate user listings and commercial program file imports, several
    existing but previously non-imported stamp property fields were added to the import function.  The import function now allows global save of all new stamp properties from imported collections.
  • You may now make all property values global (available to all collections) when importing.
  • Fixed several minor bugs.

Version 4.0 Changes:
  • Production release contains all modifications and fixes since Version 3.2.
  • Fixed bug that caused need to re-locate data folder when upgraded while using a remote data folder.

Version 4.0b Changes:
  • All browse screens now show all stamp properties including the “Stock” indicator. Added capability for browse window changes to apply to all browse screens. Changed browse header names to abbreviations that are similar to report headers.
  • Added hot-keys to simplify some Build and Browse functions.
  • Improved Stamp Locator search engine to allow more search parameters per search. Added some user warnings. Limited stamp denomination search results to only the entered search criteria without blanks included. Fixed Locator save command to avoid possible multiple same-name entries.
  • Fixed some, mostly esoteric, bugs and some other cleanup and minor changes.
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